“In a lovely story of young love, Sophie meets Alejandro, also known as Alex, the barroom bouncer, after being injured when a beer bottle is thrown and breaks… When she discovers how difficult it is to get around LA, she hires Alex to drive her to her various appointments. Alex also has a secret… the two begin to build a friendship…keeping secrets threatens to destroy their future. As their friendship begins to evolve into love, the secrets must be told and resolved. A sweet and satisfying tale.” Publishers Weekly
“…by far one of the best books I have read after Beautiful Disaster…” GR Reviewer.
“It is a beautiful story that made me believe in the power of true love and the miracles it can bring you.” Summer’s Book Blog
“THIS BOOK… If you think you know what it is about. You have NO IDEA. There is so much to this story. If you are reading some other NA book, put it down and start this one right now.” Bianca
How Far Would you go to Save Someone you Loved?
My name’s Sophie and I’m nineteen-years-old. I planned on college, keggers, and cute frat guys — not MS. After I was diagnosed I told a few people, but they started treating me differently. No I keep it secret. I probably have many more years to live with this disease, but my grandmother does not.
So I traveled thousands of miles to L.A. to look for healing: a stem cell study, acupuncture, shamanic vision quests. Some therapies were dangerous, but I’d try anything. I was fighting for a life – and I’d risk it all.
My first night in L.A. I landed in the middle of a campus bar fight. Alejandro, the most beautiful man I’d ever met, and a complete stranger, rescued me. My second day I got lost in a dicey part of town and was attacked by gang-bangers. I escaped–this time.
So I hired Alejandro to drive me to my appointments; be my bodyguard. He made me laugh again. He sheltered me. My heart started cracking open. I wish I had told him my secret. When I discovered — he hadn’t yet told me his…
A Story of Love. A Story of Hope. A Story of Redemption.
The Story of You and Me is also available in print and Audio, narrated by Elizabeth Semida.
The Story of You and Me © 2013 Pamela DuMond.
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