MORTAL BELOVED TIME TRAVEL takes you to amazing worlds.
MESSENGERS are time travelers tasked with slipping through time’s fabric and delivering messages into the past that could change, or even save one life. Mortal assassins and deadly HUNTERS — dark-souled time travelers — seek to seduce or kill them. HEALERS re-incarnate and follow them from lifetime to lifetime.
The game’s on as mad kings, queens, and power hunger politicians seek to use the TRAVELLERS’ abilities for selfish gain. Slipping through time might seem to be the greatest danger — but falling in love with a fellow traveler can prove even more daunting.
“For those who like The Immortals series by Alyson Noel, Timeless by Alexandra Monir, or The Eternal Ones by Kirsten Miller – The Messenger is a must read.” Breathe in Books Blogspot
“… by the end, I was getting a bicep workout from all the fistpumps…” ForeverYoungAdult
“…I was captivated.“
“…I stayed up to 5 a.m. to finish this book.”
“Gritty and gorgeous…”
“…I couldn’t tear myself away from it.”
“…Samuel – I wanted to stick my hands in and grab him… and pull him out.”
“… adventure, romance history all in one amazing book….”
“… heart stopping, adrenaline-pumping adventures…”

★★★★★ “…adventure, romance, history all in one amazing book… praying she writes another.”
A boy from the past. A girl from the future. Their love could be forever, but their time is running out...
Madeline falls in love with Samuel when she accidentally time travels hundreds of years into the past to a war between the colonists and Native Americans. Their relationship is forbidden. If discovered they could be brutally punished.
But Madeline’s traveled to the past not only to fall in love, but also to claim her birth right as a Messenger, a soul who can slip through time’s fabric, delivering messages that change one life, or save many. Deadly Hunters, dark-souled time travelers, crave her powers and seek to seduce or kill her.
Can Madeline find her way back to the future in time to save herself and Samuel?
“I was a Messenger: I kept the memory of all our encounters, our lives, like a locket that brushes the skin and bones covering my heart. But Samuel was a Healer: he didn’t time travel. His kind lived, died, re-incarnated and he didn’t retain memories from his past lives. Every year I landed in required starting our relationship over: from ashes, from scrap….Every place I journeyed had beauty as well as darkness; all my time-travels were bittersweet.” ~ Madeline
The Messenger by Pamela DuMond is available in print, audio, and an ebook. © 2012 Pamela DuMond All rights reserved.
★★★★★ “… I was in the hands of a consummate storyteller and she would take me on a trip filled with adventure, heartbreak and most of all love.” A. Reviewer
Time Traveler. Messenger. Beloved. Spy.
Madeline’s a Messenger: time traveling across lifetimes, delivering messages that could change one life or many.
When she discovers that her true love, Samuel, is alive in present day but doesn’t remember her from their past, she journeys to a deadly royal conflict in medieval Portugal hoping to rekindle his memory.
A mad king turns her into his spy. Mortal assassins, and dark-souled time travelers seek to kill her. What more could go wrong?
THE ASSASSIN was featured in Glamour UK September, 2015. The Assassin is available in print and ebook. © 2015 Pamela DuMond. All rights reserved.
★★★★★ “From Berlin of Cold War to the deserts of Palmyra…The world building is amazing…” Alexandra @ Milky Way of Books
Time Traveler. Seeker. Deceiver. Lies.
Madeline’s a Messenger: time traveling across lifetimes and delivering messages that could change one life or many.
She’s finally dating her true love, Samuel, in the present day, but when her new mentors send her on increasingly dangerous missions, the un-thinkable happens.
Now Madeline journeys into the darkest corners of history seeking answers from the wisest Messengers and Hunters in the hope to reverse the consequences of her actions before Samuel, her mortal beloved, is lost for an eternity.
But tearing time’s fabric reveals secrets and lies, and Madeline discovers she is part of a conspiracy much greater than her wildest dreams.
The Seeker is available in print and ebook. © 2016 Pamela DuMond All rights reserved.
THE BELIEVER #4: Jack & Clara (Stand Alone)
★★★★★ “The story has thrills, decadent heat, an amazing storyline with so many surprises I was constantly on my toes.” Marie Brown
Someone in 1961 East Berlin is praying for help. Someone is praying for guidance. I’m neither angel, or demon, but I can handle this.
I’m Jack Spencer, a Messenger — a time traveler who delivers critical messages into the past. Traveling to Berlin during the Cold War will be dangerous – all the better to distract me from the fact that Clara Beaumont, the girl I have loved forever, is getting married today. Sadly, not to me.
But when I land in 1961 Berlin, I discover that Clara has accidentally time traveled here as well. And unlike me — she doesn’t ave a clue as to what she’s doing. Can I save the girl I love? Or will I lose her forever…
THE BELIEVER is available in print and as an ebook. The Believer © 2018 Pamela DuMond. All rights reserved.
Mortal Beloved Box Set: Books #1 – 3
“… by the end, I was getting a bicep workout from all the fistpumps… .” Forever Young Adult Review
“…Native American history… a magical story with lots of twists and turns… ” A Diary of a Book Addict Blog
“For those who like The Immortals series by Alyson Noel, Timeless by Alexandra Monir, or The Eternal Ones by Kirsten Miller – The Messenger is a must read.” Breathe in Books Blogspot
The Mortal Beloved Box Set contains: The Messenger #1 ~ The Assassin #2 ~ The Seeker #3.
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